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Featured Birds



The health and welfare of the birds during their stay at the Aves do Jorge – Breeding Center, are guaranteed by a clinical team prepared to offer the best care, managed by a veterinarian and highly qualified personnel.



Any bird found in our facilities is guaranteed to have been born in captivity under the care of the breeding center team – Aves do Jorge. Birds have a closed ring (and also an open ring in some cases to differentiate males from females), Microchip when necessary, CITES in birds belonging to Appendix I and all legal documentation for their new owner.

With all this documentation, our objective is to provide transparency to the process at all stages.



Transporting birds from one place to another can be a time of stress for these animals. For this reason, the Aves do Jorge – Breeding Center, coordinates efforts to make travel safe, controlled and as comfortable as possible. All trips are made in perfect environmental conditions with constant veterinary control, with the welfare of birds being our priority in travel.